Saturday, December 31, 2005

Licensed to Drive :)

Yes people... Got my Driver's Licence yesterday. Now, I can officially drive in US of A.

Went to Hertz on Thursday and got myself a sporty Mazda 6 for 1 day, as I was planning to give the test on Friday morning. Since I did not have a US CC, I had to ask SG to rent the car in his name whie I became the Add-on driver using my Indian licence. FYI, You need to be 25 and hold both a valid DL and CC to rent a car by yourself in IL.

Anyway, asked my colleagues with licenses to take turns on Thursday night to sit next to me while I drove down to the test track and practiced with them. Thanks to SG, BR, S for taking the pains to sit next to me...

SG again accompanied me to the DL office on Friday morning, as I had to have someone with a DL sit next to me while I was on LL. Reached @ 0715 hrs there. Was the 1st one to arrive. Had to wait till 0800 hrs for the office to open. Went early so that I could give the test early in the morning itself and go to office without much delay.

The test went smooth. Drove without any hiccups or complaints from the examiner. Asked her for her suggestions in the end, she said, "You were a bit slow, can increase the speed". Well, so now it's official, I can drive fast ;)

Had planned to return the car on Friday itself, but had a long weekend in front of me, had a DL in my hand, and a cool car with me, so went and extended the lease till Monday.

Had a project party for the quarter Friday night from 1900 hrs. The place was a bit far, but I took up the challenge and successfully cleared my first attempts at night driving in US, highway driving in US, snow-driving in US.... Great isn't it?
Plan to go to Chicago tonight and celebrate the New Year. Then plan to go on a long drive tomorrow for a day and come back on Monday.
Thanks to the all for their suggestions, wishes. Nice to know that so many of you do read my blog.
Things happen, life goes on...

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