Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Ice Age Begins

Today it snowed heavily for the first time this season. Current temperature: -4 deg. C / 21 deg F. Minimum expected: -21 deg C / -7 deg F.
The weather-man predicted heavy snowfall upto 3-4 inches starting in the evening. People started leaving early from office. Wise people. We stayed till 1630 hrs in office. By this time it had snow-flaked for an hour or so... Visibility was not more than a hundred feet and felt like 7ish in the evening.
Took a few corrections to keep the car on the road and an hour and half to cover the under 5 mile journey to our locality today from office. The drive was slow, treacherous at places but all in all an experience. I guess these experiences are going to get common as the winter progresses. It's estimated to snow approx. 15 inches of snow in a day and the temperatures supposed to drop further... Welcome Santa to the land of the snowman in the windy city...
This might explain why the concept of 'working from home', an 'air-tight' home and all day heating are so common here. Our reporting manager MLS here also confirmed the fact that we need not hurry to office till we complete the assigned tasks on time...
North Indians here would now feel 'hot', during the cold wave that hits northern India during the same time when they've faced the extreme climate here...
Happy snow-balling.... More later

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