Monday, January 02, 2006

My 1st rental

Returned the rental car today... after keeping it for the last 3 days. Travelled 297 miles on it. Used up 15 gallons of fuel on it.
Friday night was the project party. Missed giving a detail there. Met a friend of AB, SG. She was introduced to me when she was there in the same office as me in India. On reaching the project party, I got busy with bowling... She must've noticed me, so came over to say 'Hi'. I think I did not acknowledge her properly at that time because was busy in the game. NOT GOOD on my part. Anyway, told her that I might visit her next day as I was visiting her area while shifting two of my colleagues stuff to their new apartment...
Saturday was spent driving around Wheeling, IL while shifting the stuff for the female colleagues. Went to SG's place too. Rang her door-bell, but got no response.
On Sunday, drove to Aurora, IL for a visit to the temple there. Enroute, one of my colleagues SG received a call from the client stating that there was a priority ticket not handled for the last 2 hours by the off-shore team, so he better look into it ASAP. Therefore, we drove back to drop him back at his place. Felt bad for him and wondered why the offshore team was not doing their job... Saw how a person's life gets screwed on 24x7 support. Promise myself that I would never do that. Anyhow, experienced the feeling of 'lost' on the American maze of highways while returning from Aurora. Actually, the second car of my colleague went ahead and we had to find our way through. The route map we had, had a single turn marked incorrectly and therefore the mishap. Nothing major as we caught the error in the initial stages itself...
Had a nice walk today. Returned the car on time but did not get a bus for the return journey, so started walking. Must've walked approximately 6 miles before I found a pay-phone to call up my colleagues to come and pick me up from the road...
Life goes on... more later...

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